

Flamenco music comes alive every weekend at the Florida Park Kiosks with live performances by our best artists.

RESERVATIONS (*) : 918.275.275

from 6:00 pm to 00:30 am | Friday from 6:00 pm to 01:30 am | Saturday from 12:00 pm to 01:30 am | Sunday from 12:00 pm to 00:30 am

SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCES (*) : Thu-Fri 20h Aprox. | Sat-Sun 19h Aprox.
Holiday eves: Consult the Agenda

* Access (without table): No reservation is required. Access will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Free tables can be used until 16:30h. Table Reservation: All tables operate by reservation after 16:30h.

*Consult the weekly agenda. The performances may suffer schedule changes on the same day not registered on the web. We apologize for any inconvenience.


D01 | 19:00h | David DCano
J05 | 20:00h | Jota Rumba's Band
V06 | 20:00h | José de la Plaza
S07 | 19:00h | Dbureo
D08| 19:00h | Aduo

J12 | 20:00h | El Sur

V13 | 20:00h | Carretera y Manta
S14 | 19:00h | Jota Rumba's Band
D15 |19:00h | Grupo Cerrado por Vacaciones
J19 | 20:00h | Miguel del Pozo
V20 | 20:00h | David de Paloma
S21 | 19:00h | Alberto Mata
D22 | 19:00h | Grupo Cerrado por Vacaciones
J26 | 20:00h | Fran el Pesca & Flamenco a Tr3s
V27 | 20:00h | David Moreno
S28 | 19:00h | Flamencopatía
D29 | 19:00h | Vente Pa'Cá

Our Artists

We have selected the best flamenco artists fusing tradition, pop, folklore and a lot of duende so that the magic of the Kioskos can delight us with their voices and rhythms.


To make your bottle reservation in the outdoor area, select in the drop-down menu Kiosks

Book your table for the Zambomba Flamenca by clicking on 12 December.